General Tips
Get at least 3 estimates for the same job
Check Licensing and Insurance
Read the Contract Before You Sign It
Know Your Subcontractors
Plan out as far in advance as you can
Require written contracts before you start anything
Work expected
Material costs, who pays?
Payment schedule
Project deadline
A Good General Contractor
There are a lot of factors that are hard to anticipate, no matter how long you’ve been in the game. However, a good general contractor takes responsibility of both the process, and the end result of the project.
Failure of the general contractor means failure of the project. A good GC knows the subcontractors that he employs and understands that he is liable for their end result.
A general contractor will let you know when to bring in someone more specialized to do a better / affordable job.
A good GC knows what materials are needed.
“What materials will be needed? How much are said materials?”
A good GC does not substitute quality for sub-par materials to earn an extra buck.
Despite being a good GC, realize that:
Some things are squarely within his control, and some are not.
You can’t anticipate what is hidden & behind drywall. Realize that unforeseen things will need to be addressed and dealt with.